6 weeks, running Thursdays starting January 16, 2025 at 6:30 pm.
Agility Level 1 is a class that will start you on a successful path to having fun
with your canine partner in agility. This class focuses on the beginning
foundations of the sport of agility and will introduce you to some basic, but very
important, skills such as proper jump skills, basic handling skills and proper
footwork. Some of the agility equipment will be introduced. Although the class is
done on leash, dogs should have a good understanding of basic obedience
such as sit, down, stay and should have a strong recall.
PREREQUISITES: KAOS “Obedience Foundation Level 1” | Recommendation from instructor
COST: $132
REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: flat buckle collar (martingale collars and halties when necessary), 6″ nylon/robe/leather leash
Event Timeslots (1)
Jan 16, 23, 30, Feb 6, 13, 20