Frosty February Contacts, Weaves, and Jump Grids

4 weeks, running Tuesdays starting February 4, 2025 at 6:30 pm

Are you looking to work on your Contacts, Weaves and Jump skills, but it’s too cold to be outside? This is the class for you!
All levels: Novice to Master

COST: $88


  • “Agility – Level 1” or equivalent
  • Must be able to work off leash while other dogs working in other fenced sections of the floor
  • Must have previously been introduced to contacts and weave training. This is not an introductory class.

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Agility Foundation 2 Working Group (FULL)

Class runs continuously at 8:00pm on Tuesdays. Starts January 14, 2025.

These students have progressed through several levels of both obedience and agility classes to join this working group and are referred by our instructors. We use concept based training and focus on building foundation skills for both the dog and handler. The focus is on drills, grids, course map reading, handling, sequencing, full course work and goal building. This working group is meant for those are ready compete or have been competing for some time now.


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Agility – Level 3

6 weeks, running Saturdays starting January 11, 2025 at 11:30 am.

Agility Level 3 is a continuation of our Level 2 Agility. This class is off leash, so you must be able to keep your dog under control at all times. Handlers will be introduced to more advanced handling skills, obstacle discrimination and expanding on distance work introduced in Level 2.

PREREQUISITES: KAOS “Agility – Level 2” or recommendation of a KAOS agility instructor

COST: $132

REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: flat buckle collar (martingale collars and halties when necessary), 6″ nylon/robe/leather leash

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Advanced Agility Fun Runs

6 weeks, running:

  • Fridays starting January 10, 2025 at 6:15 pm.
  • Fridays starting January 10, 2025 at 8:00 pm.

Come join us for some agility fun! This class is designed for those who have some experience in running agility courses already. We’ll set up different courses for you to try out each week to help you achieve your agility goals. Dogs must be able to work off leash and run an agility course.

PREREQUISITES: Must have “Agility – Level 3” (or equivalent), some ‘run’ experience AND the ability to string together a full course of obstacles.

COST: $132

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Agility – Level 2

6 weeks, running Thursdays starting January 16, 2025 at 8:00 pm.

Agility Level 2 is a continuation from our Level 1 class. Previously learned skills
will be refined and more of the agility equipment will be introduced. Handlers will
learn how to improve and expand on their handling skills and be introduced to
some basic sequences. This class will be a combination of both on and off leash
work, so your dog must have a good understanding of basic obedience such as
sit, down, stay and a good recall.

PREREQUISITES: KAOS “Agility – Level 1”

COST: $132

REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: flat buckle collar (martingale collars and halties when necessary), 6″ nylon/robe/leather leash

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Agility – Level 1

6 weeks, running Thursdays starting January 16, 2025 at 6:30 pm.

Agility Level 1 is a class that will start you on a successful path to having fun
with your canine partner in agility. This class focuses on the beginning
foundations of the sport of agility and will introduce you to some basic, but very
important, skills such as proper jump skills, basic handling skills and proper
footwork. Some of the agility equipment will be introduced. Although the class is
done on leash, dogs should have a good understanding of basic obedience
such as sit, down, stay and should have a strong recall.

PREREQUISITES: KAOS “Obedience Foundation Level 1” | Recommendation from instructor 

COST: $132

REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: flat buckle collar (martingale collars and halties when necessary), 6″ nylon/robe/leather leash

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Beginner Agility Fun Runs

6 weeks, running on Saturdays starting January 11, 2025 at 10:00 am

Come and learn how to run an agility course. We will set up courses each week, and show you how to run an agility course by stringing together 3 obstacles at a time, leading up to running an entire course.  Dogs must be able to work off leash and have the ability to string together at least 3 obstacles.

PREREQUISITES: Must have “Agility – Level 3” (or equivalent), some ‘run’ experience AND the ability to string together a full course of obstacles.

COST: $132

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